A little life is more holy than a long life. For at least this reason, it has been recommended that legal studies in university be. the course of law. His contention is that, had (for instance) the proposition been that “a course of learning for lawyers must include a review of the history of the law in all its parts”, then, this would be reason sufficient for the encomium to be given.
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Curso de Direito Constitucional Dirley Da Cunha Junior [Constitutional Law Course]. A little life is more holy than a long life
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Curso de Direito Constitucional [Constitutional Law Course].. A little life is more holy than a long life
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Has everyone heard of Dr. Robert Katz? If so, you probably know him from his work in academia. I found him to be a particularly effective, compelling teacher.
My fellow grad students and I were asked by Dr. Katz to be part of a group of graduate students to teach the course that I was taking. I am sure you could imagine how excited I was. Now, I am very glad I got to share my excitement with the others in the class, because this course was, in my opinion, the best course in the law school.
Dr. Katz makes things very interesting, which is one of the reasons that he is so effective a professor. He is at his best when talking about practical, real-world topics. Topics such as privacy, corruption, and terrorism.
A truly great teacher.
Curso de Direito Constitucional [Constitutional Law Course]. A little life is more holy than a long life - Documento DIREITO - ISBN 13: 978-85-9377-185-2,
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